Prenatal Service Startup Team
Key Milestones
TA convergence and adjustment
In the initial stages of product development for early-stage startups with limited resources, neglecting a user-centric approach can lead to resource depletion and challenging outcomes. Attempting to cater to a broad market without a focused user strategy may result in a product or service with no clear user base, leading to potential failure.
In this collaborative project, we worked closely with the startup team to initiate a user experience journey, systematically addressing assumptions and constraints associated with their solution. Through this iterative process, we pinpointed potential TA and validated our assumptions using surveys and interviews. This enabled us to gather key indicators and insights, facilitating the refinement of our TA. Our research revealed that users already engaged with reproductive medical centers primarily trusted their doctors for fertility needs. Consequently, we opted to exclude this group and concentrate our research efforts on users in the natural conception phase who had not yet entered treatment.
因此我們試著引導團隊轉換面對使用者的觀點,從原先期待的「解決使用者在備孕歷程上的焦慮」轉為「陪伴使用者降低備孕中的焦慮」,也藉此打開了最終方案的可能性,將團隊初期想要導入產品的 AI 技術從計畫中移除,專注在更能夠回應問題的解方上探索與深化。